Verbalize in a sentence as a verb

I've been trying to verbalize this exact thought for a while.

Do not verbalize this to him, he will figure it out and probably ask you about it.

But you need to verbalize to activate Broca's area.

All I can say is... +1This is exactly what I was thinking, but unable to verbalize it so well.

Every problem you can verbalize like this is just a question that you need to come up with an answer for.

That article about "The Best" bothered me in a way I couldn't completely verbalize.

Even Nietzsche -- who was pretty much the first to verbalize our secular freedom -- lost control in the end.

If I need to verbalize my thoughts I often have a practice conversation in my head, to see how it comes out in words.

My company, Legend, improves lives in a very tangible way. OneVoice is our iOS app that helps anyone who can't verbalize their thoughts "speak".

Every once in a while you read something and shake your head thinking, "I always felt this but was never able to verbalize it like this.

Communicate constantly, verbalize your thoughts, ask questions, show passion.

I just feel like I can process so many more ideas thinking about things internally instead of pausing to try to verbalize my thought process.

I wish I could verbalize why seeing a software's personality through humor like this makes me appreciate it more, but I can't seem to explain it.

Maybe that's the end of the conversation, maybe it's just the beginning, but forcing yourself to verbalize with someone at the start of the event will make it easier from then on.

The problem was not the lack of knowledge about the fact that she was not consenting - it was clearly apparent to everybody else, she did not need to verbalize it.

Enough thought, in fact, to have an opinion on what they like and why. Furthermore, it tests their ability to verbalize convincing arguments for their opinions with logical evidence for those arguments.

Divorces are acrimonious because the overwhelming majority of divorcees have fundamental issues with their spouse that they can't even verbalize, let alone work out.

The research may show that the mice are responding to stimuli, but how can anyone honestly claim to know what the experience is like, or whether the "memories" are truly recalled as negative and induce actual "fear".I mean, it's not like mice can verbalize their experience.

Verbalize definitions


be verbose; "This lawyer verbalizes and is rather tedious"

See also: verbalise


express in speech; "She talks a lot of nonsense"; "This depressed patient does not verbalize"

See also: talk speak utter mouth verbalise


articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise; "She expressed her anger"; "He uttered a curse"

See also: express verbalise utter


convert into a verb; "many English nouns have become verbalized"

See also: verbalise