Usurer in a sentence as a noun

Well I for one am shocked that usurers are engaging in usury.

It's going to be someone who wants to **** with their status as a state-sponsored usurer.

In those times convicted usurers danced on the end of a noose, but I'm not suggesting that be used as a punishment these days.

Someone who practices usury can be called a usurer, but a more common term in contemporary English is loan shark.

I'm not comfortable with microloans for a number of reasons, most importantly because I don't want to be a usurer.

Anytime I see people defend this kind of practice, the John Ruskin quote comes to mind: “The dullest of all excuses for usury is that some kind of good is done by the usurer.”

The florentine pattern repeats again: start a manufacturer, end a usurernihil sub sole novum

Revolution already figured out a lot of the hitches, and retailers ought to be suspicious now that they're owned by the industry's biggest usurer.

Saying that Visa's entire fee represents nothing but a drag on the economy is very much of a piece with the historical loathing of merchants and usurers, who, as anyone could see, did not create value.

Usurer definitions


someone who lends money at excessive rates of interest

See also: moneylender shylock