Verbalise in a sentence as a verb

It's one of the reasons why I prefer OCaml to Haskell, but I've found it hard to verbalise.

I didn't know what to say for the tilde character, so couldn't verbalise the statement.

I begin to verbalise my thoughs in a foreign language, at least partially.

Curious about this too. I've always had to sort of verbalise in my head when I read, I think because of the way I was taught in primary school.

People who say that tend to always be involved in drama, which is why they have to verbalise that they don't like it in the first place.

Do you think that purchasers have enough knowledge about their own problems that they could verbalise them such that people could help solve them?

I have kind of found what that is now in my own life, if just barely, but I’m not clear enough about it to verbalise it even for myself.

And I can type nearly as fast as I can verbalise what I am thinking, and it has made me super productive compared to when I couldn’t type.

Which just goes to show that although I internally verbalise a lot, the verbalisation itself is not the thinking.

In a lot of practical cases with humans we have people who talk a good talk but are unable to put the ideas they verbalise into practice.

Another one is to verbalise multiple arguments to support and deny your position.

For example, I don't explicitly verbalise "is a member of" now, even internally.

O The qualitative part of our research shows that children are able to verbalise the suffering that mathematics anxiety causes them.

People don't verbalise enthusiasm for lack of busy UI, but they tend to prefer simpler UIs especially if they are not expert users of a more complex UI.

Yeah autism occurs on a spectrum, from very low-functioning people who can barely verbalise or take care of themselves, to relatively high-functioning individuals who are capable of taking care of themselves, and given the right tools, even thrive.

Verbalise definitions


be verbose; "This lawyer verbalizes and is rather tedious"

See also: verbalize


express in speech; "She talks a lot of nonsense"; "This depressed patient does not verbalize"

See also: talk speak utter mouth verbalize


articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise; "She expressed her anger"; "He uttered a curse"

See also: express verbalize utter


convert into a verb; "many English nouns have become verbalized"

See also: verbalize