Deprecate in a sentence as a verb

It's a skill that bears a lot of fruits and that deprecate slowly.

There is a reason they want to deprecate most of it and move to a spec that is similar to ES in its simplicity.

Start building the new system inside the old and slowly deprecate and migrate components piece by piece until the old system is entirely gone.

So it was going to take a while, no matter what, for us to sensibly deprecate those Python versions without just throwing a bunch of our users under a bus.

Likewise, you don't change or deprecate individual methods, you merely stop supporting older versions.

Plenty of small-medium sites are getting orders of magnitude more traffic from Reader than from G+. Google and other major companies are trying to deprecate it in order to replace with their own, tightly controlled, solutions.

I assumed that Windows 8 only contained the 'desktop' to give developers time to convert their apps to work on metro and that Microsoft would deprecate the desktop in Windows 9 or 10.

If we're going to forklift a whole new collection of libraries and programs onto everyone's computer, why don't we just deprecate the whole IP layer and build something better.

Next up in Unicode 7, we deprecate the face icons in favor of a series of combining characters that allow to mix and match hairstyles, face colors, eyes, noses, etc., to create arbitrary faces, why not.

In the next chapter, does he use strcpy in the same example and use that error to say that we should deprecate the entire standard library?On a more nit-picky note, the 'triple-equality trick' the author derides is a common C idiom and one every C programmer should be familiar with.

Deprecate definitions


express strong disapproval of; deplore


belittle; "The teacher should not deprecate his student's efforts"

See also: depreciate vilipend