Moneylender in a sentence as a noun

I liked the overpay exploit with the moneylender.

It seems moneylender is an even older one, if the book "Debt: the first 5000 years" has accurate enough information.

Also, the tale of kicking the moneylenders out of the temple is often mentioned alongside these examples.

Thus, the moneylender trumps the nobleman, the priest the moneylender, the bawd the priest, the **** the bawd, the innkeeper the ****, the wine merchant the innkeeper, and so on.

My concern in the original post was the moral discourse surrounding debt, that treats the rhetoric of the moneylender to be the dominant rhetoric.

So if you can't own land and can't be a professional and also might be forced out of your home in a hurry, the game-theoretic solution is to be a moneylender.

Moneylender definitions


someone who lends money at excessive rates of interest

See also: usurer shylock