Upstart in a sentence as a noun

It's not at all clear that switching from sysvinit to upstart would have been an improvement.

We proxied DB traffic back and forth over SSH tunnels managed by upstart init jobs.

At the time that upstart was written, nothing else existed that solved the problems that it did.

The People's Republic is the upstart rebellion, and Taiwan the last holdout of the older RoC government.

This is very unusual - normally the upstarts in a disruptive market start at the bottom of the market and move up.

Upstart in a sentence as an adjective

It deals with software intellectual property issues, young upstart tech entrepreneurs, contractual trickery and all sorts of HN type things.

And while you might get frustrated for those 2 years as an 18-year-old hotshot upstart startup-minded student, in 10 years you'll look back on it and think, "wow, that really was the most important part.

And the biggest key feature of upstart, service supervision, is actually something sysvinit already has but nobody uses: you can run a process directly from inittab, and sysvinit will restart it when it exits.

Oh, I can outdo you!Many years ago I did an upstart that was a combination of delicious and facebook, using bayesian filtering to locate links and people you might be interested in from what you posted yourself.

Upstart definitions


an arrogant or presumptuous person


a person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained social acceptance of others in that class

See also: parvenu nouveau-riche arriviste


a gymnastic exercise performed starting from a position with the legs over the upper body and moving to an erect position by arching the back and swinging the legs out and down while forcing the chest upright


characteristic of someone who has risen economically or socially but lacks the social skills appropriate for this new position

See also: nouveau-riche parvenu parvenue