Arriviste in a sentence as a noun

Unless enough people read up on it, discover that one should ask for it stirred, and then decide to signal their rejection of arriviste iconoclasm by asking for it shaken.

> But the disdain expressed toward the garish colors that Perkin’s purple, and related dyes such as magenta, made accessible to the general public from the 1860s had within it a clear distaste for the arriviste.

But if the entire stock market wasn't being propped up by the Fed, you wouldn't see these types of valuations, and that would have a cascading effect on the entire tech ecosystem for a variety of reasons.> The current boom isnt a flash in the pan, doomed to disappoint arriviste gold miners.

One “aspect, though, is brand new: for Mr. Engelbert the horror of this modern world, the curse, is not the power of money or the arrogance of the arrivistes, it is the noise; and not the age-old noise of a thunderstorm or a hammer, but the new noise of engines, especially of automobiles and motorcycles, the explosive “internal-combustion monsters.”Poor Mr. Engelbert: first he settles in a house in a residential neighborhood; there cars are his first introduction to the evil that will turn his life into an unending flight.

Arriviste definitions


a person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained social acceptance of others in that class

See also: upstart parvenu nouveau-riche