Unvalued in a sentence as an adjective

It's likely one of the most unvalued resources of our day.

Restaurant worker is not a bad job, but it's underpaid and unvalued.

>>what I can say is that for a woman this can be even worse, as it leaves them without something to be mad and and just feeling unvalued. This appears to be sexist tripe.

* London had numerous squats: housing stock so unvalued that it wasn't worth stopping people just moving in for free. Think about property values in those places today.

> bonuses are just a way for finance companies to flex your salary down when the firm has a bad quarter, or you're unvalued or working on an unvalued project. This.

Life Pro-Tip: don't marry a woman that will feel unvalued by the stone in the wedding ring. Spend the money in something better and that will further the relationship, like the honeymoon.

For example, "I feel unvalued when you spend more on your horse than we do on the mortgage. I feel scared for our kid's future when you prioritize your expensive horse over saving for his/her education.

Why bother to ask when they know I feel unvalued, unappreciated, and frankly like I don't give a **** about them, their projects, or their ******* deadlines. As you can see, there's a reason to not ask for this information.

Everyone in these essential jobs is basically unvalued and in the one time in their lives where people need their services the most, they get trampled worse than ever

None of these men are grappling with loneliness and feeling unvalued getting nothing but radio silence trying to reach out to potential partners? Having the pressure of having to work out, get a high paying job, etc.

For every successful artist there are thousands upon thousands of people whose art is unmarketable or unvalued by the market, and you simply cannot bend the market to your say-so. That's not how any of this works.

A child who feel unvalued and insecure may feel most scared and vulnerable when his parents are critical of him, but the fault lies with the child feeling unvalued -- that is where his parents went wrong, not in criticizing him. The two things are independent.

There are only a small number of cases where a 50-60 year term wouldn't be sufficient, and the concept of an extension means that unvalued works would enter into the public domain quickly.

The point being, bonuses are just a way for finance companies to flex your salary down when the firm has a bad quarter, or you're unvalued or working on an unvalued project. From that standpoint, I don't see bonuses going away any time soon, but if they do then all the better for the employees.

Underestimated doesn’t necessarily mean unvalued or unhyped, it just means that the future value will be dramatically higher than people expect, even if what people expect is high to begin with. So having said that: machine learning.

What’s better - everyone who lost their jobs picks a new career and retrains doing something new that is valued by society, or the government subsidizes unvalued industries that no one wants just so people never experience any pain? I’m sympathetic that government can help those who lose jobs.

They are concerned that there are lots of women who could be valuable contributors to this community, but who choose to go elsewhere because the culture makes them feel unwelcome and unvalued.

I spend far less of my day feeling resentful, unvalued, and unvalidated, both individually and in my new relationship. In my own time and in counseling with a professional, I have learned many lessons about myself, what I want out of life and in a partner, and how to be my own advocate.

Leaving you 'empty handed', or only paying you the share of the incorporation fee also sounds unreasonable - you did invest time and effort and that largely remains unvalued in that case. In the past I have dealt with similar situations by agreeing on the amount of hours and effort spend, and attach a market value to that.

Being neatly concise in journalism seems unfortunately nearly unvalued. I'd appreciate any media that valued a simple information/words metric.

In the US that labor is so extremely unvalued that it's almost always automated - other countries have such intensely undervalued labour that it can actually compete with automation. And yea, I think we do have some twisted and perverse version of globalization - rather than bringing the world up we seem to be perpetually exploiting the third world...

The problem with adhoc public praise is that it invariably gets unevenly applied which makes people feel unvalued if they work on a less visible or more esoteric part of a system. It may actually result in them being undervalued because some manager who has twenty reports, never sees Bob get any :claps: and so begins to assume bob isn't generating value.

Unvalued definitions


having value that is not acknowledged

See also: unappreciated unsung