Unsung in a sentence as an adjective

That said, Tesla really is an unsung genius.

And let's not forget the countless unsung worker bees who actually make it all happen.

These are the unsung necessities of offering our apps on Android.

Speaking of unsung geniuses there is someone who I am always surprised people don't mention more.

The hacker in the shadows finding vulns for fun and getting companies to make patches is still the unsung hero.

I applaud the unsung heroes who are finding and fixing the actual root causes of lower layers of our networks.

I don't know that much about the railroads but that doesn't sound right:"America's freight railways are one of the unsung transport successes of the past 30 years.

"up until recently he's been an unsung hero in history books"Tesla must be the most sung unsung hero in history.

Another unsung layer to this movie is just how well it ties into key influences on Heinlein prior to his writing the novel.

I even remember a child song about Tesla inventing electricity back from the early school days, so he's not quite unsung.

These are the unsung "heroes".I think his point is that the important part is working on fixing bugs, and not making a show out of finding security ones.

Unsung definitions


not famous or acclaimed; "an obscure family"; "unsung heroes of the war"

See also: obscure unknown


having value that is not acknowledged

See also: unappreciated unvalued