Unsporting in a sentence as an adjective

Ah yes, the most unsporting system in sports!

Why was it unsporting to cash that in, but not other bets that they placed?

So he used training and tactics - isn't that rather unsporting?

Surely all metals would be unsporting in a cricket bat, not just scandium.

It's considered unsporting and is a poaching technique.

Trolling them is even a bit fun; it's sometimes a little unsporting, but sometimes it's amusing [1].

Sometimes when it goes to the next level, an asteroid materializes right on top of me, which seems a bit unsporting.

Seems a bit unsporting to just put their email on front street like that, but I guess on the other hand the way they do these deals is something worth talking about.

How is this not considered an unsporting behaviour as it clearly disrespects the audience?

Move everything you'd like to delete into DeadCodeModule and make it all private, or would that be considered unsporting?

Well, that was very unsporting of the cop. Sometimes I'll treat red lights like stop signs, very late at night, as a minor demonstration of sobriety--like, if you want to pull me over, have at it, but you're gonna be bored and disappointed.

No, but I have heard vegetarianism being described as extremely unsporting, given that vegetables do not have the opportunity to run away.

Cheating or unsporting behaviour, including deliberate attempts to deceive or mislead officials, wilful interference with other competitors, falsification of documents, use of forbidden equipment or prohibited *****, violations of airspace, or repeated serious infringements of rules should, as a guide, result in disqualification from the sporting event.

Unsporting definitions


violating accepted standards or rules; "a dirty fighter"; "used foul means to gain power"; "a nasty unsporting serve"; "fined for unsportsmanlike behavior"

See also: dirty foul unsportsmanlike