Unsalted in a sentence as an adjective

If it's so robust, then why were these hacked passwords being stored unsalted?

We do not store passwords in plaintext, or unsalted.

Open the file and search for 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99, at least 1,600 passwords in that list are unsalted.

You can recognize salted hashes from unsalted ones just by looking at them?

The unsalted user accounts in the wild are ones that haven't been accessed in over 2 months and are considered idle.

What about plain text or uniform-key, unsalted passwords?

User enters user/pwd -> hash with unsalted sha-1, check if in list -> if yes, alert to change / if no, proceed with normal hashing.

Sure, it's always better to read and learn, but sometimes people just have to get things done and I'd rather see them use bcrypt than sha1 or unsalted md5.

Where there's a match, you win!If you're targeting a single hash and it's unsalted, rainbow tables will work as they're precomputed.

But I highly doubt anyone will be able to break into HN's server running BSD anyway, so the unsalted SHA-1 isn't really a concern.

As an end user, I could not care less about how robust the underlying architecture is or who inside the EA hierarchy is screwing things up. Bottomline is, weak passwords are being stored as unsalted md5 hashes, which is problematic.

I hate to look down my nose at other programmers, because I understand that we all start somewhere, but if you are building a financial exchange and you encrypted passwords using unsalted MD5 at any point in the history of your product, you have proven to me that you are learning as you go, and there is no way in **** I'd trust you with any significant sum of money.

Unsalted definitions


without salt or seasoning

See also: unseasoned