Unseasoned in a sentence as an adjective

And I've split unseasoned gnarly pine with a wedge and sledge.

They would call me curry muncher and I called them unseasoned chicken wings and we laughed it off.

Also you missed adding some salt and pepper to the steak - without those it just tastes like....unseasoned meat.

I think that Google's top guys are decent but unseasoned judges of character, which is how stuff like Perf gets through.

It makes us uncomfortable to think that we were ever that new, ever that unseasoned or naive.

"Use of a paradigm that has such a high error rate is, at the very least, an "unseasoned quantitative method".

And obviously plain, unseasoned, poorly cooked tofu will be flavorless.

I think that 'ninja/rockstar/ego-driven' technologists are sad in their own way. Somewhat differently than unseasoned MBAs though.

Yesterday was chaotic due to the accidental release of my exact co-ordinates by an unseasoned technician at Vice headquarters.

Also the people buying "non-perishable" foods are going to suddenly discover how important sauce and spice is when they're eating their unseasoned white rice and beans every night for the next year.

He admitted it in that post you linked to: Yesterday was chaotic due to the accidental release of \n my exact co-ordinates by an unseasoned technician at \n Vice headquarters.

I understand people's skepticism, and even the occasional condescension, but I'm not ready to dismiss a phenomenon I don't really understand just because the participants are unseasoned and untutored in the art of studied apathy.

Unseasoned definitions


not aged or processed; "unseasoned timber"


without salt or seasoning

See also: unsalted


not tried or tested by experience; "unseasoned artillery volunteers"; "still untested in battle"; "an illustrator untried in mural painting"; "a young hand at plowing"

See also: untested untried young