Unlettered in a sentence as an adjective

Whatever you may think of them, they're not unlettered philistines.

But you made some excellent points, so I decided to simplify it for other unlettered folks like myself.

I don't know directly from any of this, because I am an unlettered ******* with air-cooled teeth and a net worth in the middle four figures.

The thought of being stuck with a brain that could think approvingly about "keeping butts in chairs" in those smug unlettered terms fills me with pity and horror.

If you interpret his unlettered remarks charitably, it's just another instance of pushing for censorship.

I can't imagine where else it might happen that a Silicon Valley startup founder would explain to a mouthy unlettered Mississippi ******* what it's like to be poor or working class.

Romanians and Bulgarians work in an enormously broad range of fields from the most unlettered agricultural work to senior IT developers.

When they graduated they found that their knowledge opened no doors, that they were still in the same social class, looked down upon by a nobility which was stupid, unlettered, and which engrossed the public employments they felt themselves so capable of filling.

"Not only are there the usual problems in uncovering evidence about the lives of the poor and often unlettered men and women who made up the bulk of the population, but sex is also a topic about which all levels of society were generally reticent.

Ramanujan was hardly the unlettered child of the soil some people want him to be; he not only went to elementary and secondary schools, he got post-secondary education on a scholarship and even lived with other post-secondary students majoring in mathematics.

"each turn in the road reconnoitred in advance", "...the once tedious Mr. Nuttall had been injected with an ebullient charisma", "prostrate yourself before the altar of benumbing technology", "windswept promontory"...Perhaps an explanation can be found in the that I am merely an unlettered ignoramus too adherent of simpler writing styles.

"The power which the strong have over the weak, the employer over the employed, the educated over the unlettered, the experienced over the confiding, even the clever over the silly -- the forbearing or inoffensive use of all this power or authority, or a total abstinence from it when the case admits it, will show the gentleman in a plain light.

Unlettered definitions


having little acquaintance with writing; "special tutorials to assist the unlettered sector of society"

See also: analphabetic


uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication; "an ignorant man"; "nescient of contemporary literature"; "an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues"; "exhibiting contempt for his unlettered companions"

See also: ignorant nescient unlearned