Unlearned in a sentence as an adjective

Keep in mind all of its warts would have to be unlearned later by the prospective student.

Which could convey the more likely case of the unlearned coder not understanding the order of operation in program flow.

I didn’t, in any\n literal sense, learn to be alone, for the simple reason that this\n knowledge had never been unlearned during my childhood.

Ignoring your gut or your heart is a behavior that can be unlearned through various means, including meditation.

The apparently little creature might use such arguments about the effect of distance, and might appeal to such laws of sight and hearing as I, if unlearned in those things, might be unable wholly to reject.

The way I unlearned this bad habit is by "setting a background process" to watch for when I was enumerating or cataloging defects for no productive reason, and by "stopping my mind" when I found that I was.

But in most cases, those areas I left off at were the very reasons I jumped ship, either because they were too difficult or mind-numbing to wade through, leaving them incomplete/unlearned, and resulting in me having to take a few steps back to fully refresh myself before I can continue building, which leads to a lot of frustration and feeling like I'm wasting a ton of time.

Unlearned definitions


not established by conditioning or learning; "an unconditioned reflex"

See also: unconditioned innate


not well learned


uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication; "an ignorant man"; "nescient of contemporary literature"; "an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues"; "exhibiting contempt for his unlettered companions"

See also: ignorant nescient unlettered