Underworld in a sentence as a noun

The "exposing the underworld" book they refer to was in the spirit of "one night, me and my buddies...".

Brian Krebs does some awesome work stirring up the hacking underworld.

Once in a while, I get in a mood to add onto my subterranean underworld and fire it up again.

"This industry is a shadowy underworld," he said.

I bet the SEO underworld is also going bananas with the potential to game the system.

As a programmer based in Mexico that's had some contact with the underworld, this is correct.

\n"In Roman mythology, Laverna was a goddess of thieves, cheats and the underworld.

Negotiate some black market underworld he knows nothing about to get his gunsWhy not?

It feels like the cesspool of the SEO underworld is physically manifesting itself.

If you want the criminal underworld to stop wreaking havoc on the lower classes, you need to take away their most profitable business, not cement their monopoly.

And don't tell me every angry/depressed yuppie kid who was going to go on a rampage when guns were easier to get than a drivers license is going to negotiate some black market underworld he knows nothing about to get his guns.

It is obviously a crypto-currency conspiracy to drive credit card transactions out of the comfort zone of mainstream Americans, and subtly migrate the shell-shocked populace into accepting the underworld's own spawn -- a hoarded and cracked crypto-currency.

Underworld definitions


the criminal class


(religion) the world of the dead; "No one goes to Hades with all his immense wealth"-Theognis

See also: Hell Hades netherworld Scheol