Uncultivated in a sentence as an adjective

Cattle can graze on uncultivated land, getting that portion of food for virtually free.

A loan I had to look up and this sounds plausible:"A "loaning" is a piece of uncultivated ground where cows are milked.

Africa has a lot of arable land that's uncultivated.

The British, and many Nordic countries, preserve a public "right to roam" to uncultivated land, public or private [1].

As others have said elsewhere, it impacts rural uncultivated areas like rainforests as well

Nay the Isle of Cuba, which extends as far, as Valledolid in Spain is distant from Rome, lies now uncultivated, like a Desert, and intomb'd in its own Ruins.

The engrossing of uncultivated land, besides, is the greatest obstruction to its improvement.

Iowa has conservation measures that leave up to 10% uncultivated, which is important for ground-dwelling bee species.

But especially in 800 there would have been large expanses of uncultivated and mostly depopulated forest.

People still consider nouveaux-rich as gaudy and uncultivated.

Golden age man, and paradisiacal man, spontaneously enjoy the fruits of a nature which is uncultivated, unprompted, unforced, unreclaimed.

Additionally, the mainstream is an enabler of uncultivated taste -- the ultimate convenience, the ultimate luxury of ignorance.

[...]"In Europe the main problem in agriculture is overproduction so farmers sometimes get payed to leave some land uncultivated and hard limits are imposed on the production of milk and on the import of bovine meat.

So in Adam Smith's _Wealth of Nations_, the story of Columbus changed to, "and in all the other parts of the new world which he ever visited, nothing but a country quite covered with wood, uncultivated, and inhabited only by some tribes of naked and miserable savages.

My worry is that the QOL improvements you cite seem largely based on depletion of capital stocks: Fossil fuel reserves, topsoil, fish stocks, aquifers, forests, uncultivated land are all being used far beyond their replenishment ratesWhat if all the progress we've built is not built on any solid foundation?

Not only its value far exceeds what the capitals of a few private men are capable of purchasing, but, supposing they were capable of purchasing it, the manner in which it is produced renders this purchase practicable....Of land:Great tracts of uncultivated land were, in this manner, not only engrossed by particular families, but the possibility of their being divided again was as much as possible precluded for ever.

Uncultivated definitions


(of land or fields) not prepared for raising crops; "uncultivated land"


(of persons) lacking art or knowledge

See also: artless uncultured


characteristic of a person who is not cultivated or does not have intellectual tastes; "lowbrow tastes"

See also: lowbrow lowbrowed