Lowbrow in a sentence as a noun

> because people don't want the best -- they want mid-lowbrow.

They're a lowbrow spin on the same theme: obfuscation through indirection.

But overall just too light, lowbrow and unconvincing if I was not a techie but otherwise had half a brain to care about issues like this.

Lowbrow in a sentence as an adjective

In Europe, 'populist' is basically the lowbrow version of 'demagogue'.

HN threads are sensitive to initial conditions, and middlebrow dismissals lead to lowbrow rejoinders.

GoDaddy's ads basically communicate "We're sketchy and lowbrow.

Lowbrow definitions


a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits

See also: philistine anti-intellectual


characteristic of a person who is not cultivated or does not have intellectual tastes; "lowbrow tastes"

See also: lowbrowed uncultivated