Uncomplicated in a sentence as an adjective

I would add one: Make sure your log-in form is uncomplicated so that browsers can remember passwords correctly.

Also it was relatively easy for me to pitch in cause most of the work was tedious but uncomplicated.

People want you to make their life easier, and it starts with short, uncomplicated emails.- Don't assume there will be hard feelings if you demand "too much".

It's a dead simple model, the admin UI is uncomplicated and it's pretty ubiquitous.

My insurance was billed $50,000 for my extremely uncomplicated vaginal birth.

**** wines usually have a very narrow and uncomplicated flavor profile, wines that are more likely to be enjoyed have more complex profiles.

" dueling posts were a day or two ago. They weren't even 100% bad either, it's just that I'm noticing that pattern of clean, uncomplicated, opposite positions pop up a lot, and I find it enticing sometimes myself.

I think Marco is overly dismissive of shared hosting; the web should be inclusive and easy to use, and for lots of people with uncomplicated hosting needs shared hosting is a fine choice.

Luckily for us, most Americans' feelings toward Canada are uncomplicated, friendly and warm, so they have no idea how far from reciprocated this is.

If you have a child born with CP after a vaginal delivery, even if the delivery is uncomplicated, it's pretty much a guaranteed malpractice payday here.

Apps 'uncomplicated' software and I think it is very necessary that there is a mainstream Linux distribution which focusses on 'uncomplicated' computing.

What "Apple ethos"?If anything, the Apple ethos is about designing highly usable, uncomplicated and beautiful devices and software.

The mouse had one button [to cater to users][1]:> The powers at Apple concluded that because the mouse was a whole new way for users to interact with their computers, it should be as uncomplicated as possible.

One of the fundamental issues I have with functional languages is every example I see is basically "See this thing that's relatively simple and uncomplicated in Ruby/PHP/C/whatever?

They've uncomplicated the payment part of the system enough that it essentially removes that pain completely allowing many more developers to take the plunge into a side project that they can potentially make a little cash with.

My mental model here is that taxes in the US and UK are roughly equivalently complicated --- uncomplicated enough that many businesses forgo accountants, but complicated enough that most businesses shouldn't do that.

Uncomplicated definitions


lacking complexity; "small and uncomplicated cars for those really interested in motoring"; "an unsophisticated machine"

See also: unsophisticated


easy and not involved or complicated; "an elementary problem in statistics"; "elementary, my dear Watson"; "a simple game"; "found an uncomplicated solution to the problem"

See also: elementary simple unproblematic