Unbalanced in a sentence as an adjective

I think the book could be improved here, too; in general, the TOC feels unbalanced to me.

Someone who is mentally unbalanced is probably going to **** fewer people with a knife before being stopped than with a gun.

Almost every time I read a story about the two Steves, it feels like their relationship was unbalanced.

Keep in mind that if the grinder becomes dislodged or unbalanced that the plane of rotation may vary rapidly.

I understand keeping an unbalanced and impassionate point of view but at some point if it sounds like a duck and looks like a duck it IS a duck.

So this article is an unfounded and unbalanced attack on Microsoft, no more interesting than saying "Microsoft is evil!

Rather, the founder's wife seems like an unbalanced individual, and nobody effectively set any boundaries.

It makes me doubt this because human nature being human nature, sooner or later someone creative is going to come along and will convince people to side with him/her and play this unbalanced system to achieve control.

The gameplay is wretchedly paced, totally unbalanced, and unfair due to the ridiculously silly positive feedback loops strewn everywhere.

As much as I despise the current government, I must say that this "beautifully done" presentation is completely one-sided, unbalanced, and manipulates with both real and made-up facts.

They've basically dealt themselves out of being able to be informed and balanced on tech topics by refusing to use anything not made by Apple and now don't even understand when people accuse them of being unbalanced.

As someone with an academic background in Anthropology and Sociology the author doesn't seem to understand what culture is or how hierarchy and unbalanced power relationships in the office place work.

Affirm an absence of a professional relationship \n2. Presume sexual attraction, because that's just "realistic"\n3. Implicitly suggest that working together is some sort of unbalanced arrangement, rather than just cooperation\n4.

Being able to crack full disk encryption is vital for the prosecution of child porn and pharmaceutical spam barons, amongst othersPut in those terms, it seems that the trade-off between our right to privacy versus the needs of law enforcement is so ridiculously unbalanced that the law enforcement people ought to just slink away with their tails between their legs.

Unbalanced definitions


being or thrown out of equilibrium

See also: imbalanced


affected with madness or insanity; "a man who had gone mad"

See also: brainsick crazy demented disturbed sick unhinged


debits and credits are not equal