Unhinged in a sentence as an adjective

"FYI, when you stay stuff like that, you seem totally unhinged to people who have actual contact with the real world.

This is to say, I'm being a jerk for using the word "unhinged" when I don't have any apparent mental disorders.

He's also a somewhat unhinged and deeply horrible person.

If you judge every movement by its most extreme, unhinged elements, then there are exactly zero sane or wholesome movements.

They don't rise up for the same reasons the more unhinged[0] Tumblr posters do, but they have some pressure power that's used unwisely like in the dongle/fork situation last year.

Most gun violence in the US is carried out with handguns by gangbangers, muggers, drug dealers, and other such criminals, not by unhinged psychopaths.

He was clearly intelligent, but unhinged and emotional enough that he didn't really contribute anything useful.

I've read a fair amount of stories from rape victims, and yet here we are to understand this woman's life has come completely unhinged and ruined for good by something... I don't know, somewhat less dramatic than a rape.

Does the demand seem normal and reasonable?I suggest that should these scenarios take place with a trusted friend, it would not only damage the trust, it has a significant likelihood of being an inappropriate enough red flag to be a deal-breaker that ends the relationship, and casts the other party as crazy, desperate, abusive and/or unhinged.

Unhinged definitions


affected with madness or insanity; "a man who had gone mad"

See also: brainsick crazy demented disturbed sick unbalanced