Turgid in a sentence as an adjective

Not bad advice, it seems, but a rather turgid retelling.

So sorry if I stoop to ridicule if you worship her turgid prose, but really.

Compared to this really turgid article by the same author, the essay is really engrossing.

Worse, his explanation of the exorcism of Maxwell's Demon is a turgid mess that makes no sense at all.

US's cultural acceptance of prison rapeHow do you people dream up such turgid statements?

A small amount of very good content, and then lots and lots and lots of turgid waste that makes the front page simply because the author once did.

If anyone really wants ‘the truth’, they’re going to have to slog through an awful lot of turgid and arcane original research and draw their own conclusion.

Well the writing is somewhat turgid in its use of nominalizations and the passive voice but that really doesn't mean its saying nothing.

And finally, a turgid writing style which imposes an unnecessary burden on the reader trying to understand the meaning or substance behind the rant.

Old joke in defense work:Q: What does the government call an illegal wiretap?\nA: "The anonymous informant".Whoever below pointed out that a jury of 12 morons will NOT be persuaded by some turgid debate over the minutiae of packets is 100% correct.

For those on Lion with a limited vocabulary like mine, try a double tap using three fingers to get definitions of unknown words[Edit for context: FTA: accompanied by a turgid budgetary arrow and a tumescent rocket, suggesting the inevitable priapism this powerful pill will bring about]

Turgid definitions


ostentatiously lofty in style; "a man given to large talk"; "tumid political prose"

See also: bombastic declamatory large orotund tumid


abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas; "hungry children with bloated stomachs"; "he had a grossly distended stomach"; "eyes with puffed (or puffy) lids"; "swollen hands"; "tumescent tissue"; "puffy tumid flesh"

See also: puffy intumescent tumescent tumid