Declamatory in a sentence as an adjective

That's not necessarily bad, but it is when combined with a declamatory style.

Indeed, he speaks so loudly at times, and in such a declamatory manner, that it cows people, who sometimes assume they’ve angered him.

But yours was worse because it was even more generic, more ideological, and more declamatory—a trifecta of badness by HN's standard.

That is, instead of more generic, be more specific; instead of more ideological, more unpredictable; instead of more declamatory, more thoughtful.

I agree with a lot of what he writes about creating things people want, on the other hand, and wish he would stick to writing about things he's good at -- or at least, when writing about something he's bad at, do it in an exploratory instead of declamatory fashion.

Declamatory definitions


ostentatiously lofty in style; "a man given to large talk"; "tumid political prose"

See also: bombastic large orotund tumid turgid