Tubercle in a sentence as a noun

If it wasn't for wheat, potato, rice, and other grains and tubercles, most of humanity would starve.

What if the turbine uses tubercles in its design for better efficiency?

Most interesting question about boars is that they are big animals that dig deep in the soil searching for roots, rodents and tubercles.

And humpback whales, one of the most popular species, have ugly tubercles on their skin which you'd probably mistake for a disease if you didn't know better.

I really don't know enough about biology or genetics...Or is the issue that with male chromosomes it's "tricky" to get working ovaries?But what if it's not the typical transgender surgery, but actually having the gonads and tubercle turn into ovaries and clitoris instead of ********* and penis?

Tubercle definitions


a swelling that is the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis


small rounded wartlike protuberance on a plant

See also: nodule


a protuberance on a bone especially for attachment of a muscle or ligament

See also: tuberosity eminence