Clitoris in a sentence as a noun

Ok cool but what about sketch of vulva and clitoris?

First of all, I don't know anyone that isn't aware that the clitoris has this structure.

" By doing what, continuing to eat food and swallow it?Who is ignoring this inner clitoris?

I took it as a reference to the clitoris being "Nature's Rubik's Cube" --- the most difficult puzzle in the world.

The ******** has over 20,000 nerve endings whereas the clitoris only has about 8,000.

At first glance the name is unfortunately similar to "clitoris" - wonder if this deliberate?

So are you saying it would be just fine if the vast majority of people had the mistaken scientific belief that the clitoris is much smaller than it really is?

> I don't know anyone that isn't aware that the clitoris has this structureI commend you for conducting extensive surveys of your peers' knowledge of the internal anatomy of the clitoris!

For three centuries, there are thousands of references to penile surgery, nothing on the clitoris, except for some cancers or dermatology -and nothing to restore its sensitivity.

Clitoris definitions


a female sexual organ homologous to the penis

See also: clit button