Eminence in a sentence as a noun

I think it's a bit of a stretch to claim "pre-eminence"!

At big corporations you needs fame and "eminence" to land a job in a specialized field.

"This is precisely why authority has no role in science, why evidence outranks eminence.

If like Rome, Silicon Valley should ever lose it's eminence, the blog post from 42Floors is a classic piece of evidence as to why it happened.

All this talk about governmental agencies, universities and so forth, has nothing to do with real science, which relies only on evidence, not eminence.

At least, by the time the patent had expired, it seemed to have lost its pre-eminence, as there didn't seem to be any particular explosion in NiMH technology afterwards.

Don't let the pre-eminence of Ubuntu fool you -- most Linux distros, afaik anyway, still include root as a first-class citizen with its own password and everything.

"Taking on" big companies like Paypal has been a de facto way to bring attention to projects since the early 2000s, but it's hard to actually achieve that level of eminence and market share.

And do you know why neither of those sources carry weight in science, a field where evidence trumps eminence?Do you know why I'm playing you along, even though you have nothing to contribute to this discussion?

All of the backwards-looking nostalgia from all of the commenters posting so far are exactly why Apple were able to get out of the door with iPad first and slowly destroy Microsoft's pre-eminence.

And just as Britain’s imperial network of telegraph and telephone cables survived the demise of empire, so the global surveillance network may survive America’s pre-eminence.

For approximately 500 years [science's] argument for its pre-eminence was that it could create beautiful toys: aircraft, railroads, global economies, television, spacecraft.

I'm more convinced that having, for the first time since the days of Amigas and AppleII's, major competing computer platforms has really dislodged the pre-eminence of the company in popular conception.

Eminence definitions


high status importance owing to marked superiority; "a scholar of great eminence"

See also: distinction preeminence note


a protuberance on a bone especially for attachment of a muscle or ligament

See also: tuberosity tubercle