Paradox in a sentence as a noun

This reminds me of the health care cost paradox that Atul Gawande wrote about in 2011.

The paradox is that even though every new fiverr and mturk create more jobs, they lower the value of work.

So there's a permission paradox: you can't do it until you've proven you can, and you can't prove you can do it until you've done it.

The great paradox of this article is that the ultimate way to achieve things is to evolve to a point where you stop reading these kinds of posts.

I really did not expect this much resistance on HN to a fairly classical solution to the fermi paradox.

This is basically the paradox of US healthcare innovation.

The wrong model can make certain tasks impossible -- for example, thinking that numbers must be 1-dimensional makes complex numbers a paradox.

Sooner or later, I think all of us who are entrepreneurially inclined encounter the paradox of outsized ambition.

Paradox definitions


(logic) a statement that contradicts itself; "`I always lie' is a paradox because if it is true it must be false"