Timepiece in a sentence as a noun

I can see Apple shaking the **** out of the timepiece market - or else someone else will.

It's a piece of jewelry first and a timepiece second. Until it appeals to the Breitling/Tag/Rolex crowd I'm not the target market.

The meaning of 'watch' as a timepiece may soon become as antiquated as the meaning of 'phone' as a fixed receiver on an analog landline.

It should come as no surprise that a Casio sports watch has a higher survivability than, say, a metal and glass Swiss timepiece. Build quality is not isomorphic with survivability.

It's the least reliable timepiece I own. And I hardly ever use it, because my cellphone is always with me and is considerably more accurate -- and is not the only heirloom I have from my namesake great-grandfather!

My radium coated watch face can barely illuminate my timepiece, I'm not worried about the dangers of these radioactive elements.

I don't want to overstate the point, but I definitely notice a nice timepiece, just like I notice well cut clothes, cufflinks, good shoes, neat hair, an elegant piece of jewellery, any number of things people can do to make an effort. It's signalling, and it does make a difference, for better or worse.

There was a rivalry between Maskelyne and him, one considering lunar positions to be the best method to solve longitude problem, and the other believing that the accurate timepiece is the answer. You may say that Harriosn won at the end, but it was kind of bitter victory.

I don't wear a timepiece and haven't for many years, however, I was considering getting one of those health monitoring bands and then decided to wait because I bet the Apple watch would be a better product for that need. So, while the iPhone has eliminated the need for a watch, the thing on the wrist isn't so much a watch as a notification system and monitoring system.

"Mr. Chai, 38, has been wearing a vintage Rolex, loosely dangling around his wrist, not as a timepiece, but as a piece of jewelry, he said" This is exactly what Rolex is. There is a fantastic book on the history of Rolex, the name I forget, but the opening quote is from a Rolex designer and it is along the lines of "do not ask me about the watch industry, Rolex is not in the time keeping industry, Rolexes are fashion accessories."

Whilst he wasn't the only inventor working a timepiece solution his clocks were the most robust and he continued to refine and improve his product despite certain powers working against him. The importance of seafaring to Britain cannot be overstated and this man was responsible for providing a key component of that success in many ways in spite of the country.

But the high end remained, because men's fashion is about storytelling, and the story goes like this: This highly precise, beautiful timepiece that you are wearing around on your wrist is put together by hand, powered by what amounts to a crazy microscopic wind up toy, and is a prime example of craftsmanship and mechanical engineering. The very fact that it's not as precise as a $2 quartz watch is the whole romance of it.

I'll grant, though, that wristwatches would've stuck around, as an acceptably convenient means of carrying around a timepiece, had not mobile phones with clock displays come along. The point, in any case, is that there's nothing intrinsically special about wearing a chronometer, or any other information display, on one's wrist, such that "smart watches" are necessarily a qualitative improvement over, for example, "smart phones".

Quote Examples using Timepiece

The example they used of why this prize was a good idea was how it helped sailors centuries ago with the ordinary watch/timepiece. It was not possible to find one's position while at sea quite long ago without accurate time. Money couldn't solve this one, no matter how they tried they couldn't accurately know where they were at sea. There were people with the resources to solve it and they did try many things but were not able to. A prize like this for a working way to find someone's position at sea accurately got someone involved in making a unconventional timepiece that would be accurate at sea.


Timepiece definitions


a measuring instrument or device for keeping time

See also: timekeeper horologe