Isomorphic in a sentence as an adjective

" crowd, but suffers from a sort of isomorphic logic.

If two things are isomorphic, then they are, by definition, equal to each other.

Congrats, you've shown the world you know what "isomorphic" and "FSA" means, but did you initially bring anything constructive?

Passwords that can be decrypted reliably are isomorphic to passwords stored in plaintext.

By definition, since Google can index email and mine it for keywords, they have access to the contents of it, which makes it isomorphic to plaintext.

You can view it as isomorphic to a format with a more natural encoding if you'd like; such a "disassembler" would be trivial to write.

There is a large social problem isomorphic to the "disable your security software if you want to see a video of dancing babies" problem.

Little tricks isomorphic to the way HN makes you wait before replying to replies, and so on?Whether used by hackers or not, these design features interest me greatly.

It's isomorphic to the sort of thing one sees on reddit, except that it's about startups rather than the federal government or international bankers.

If you move onto 2-categories, two categories can be equal, isomorphic, or equivalent!

Node "callback soup" is isomorphic to the structured programming models of dataflows and transactional architectures.

Isomorphic definitions


having similar appearance but genetically different

See also: isomorphous