Radium in a sentence as a noun

" If you don't take this viewpoint, you end up with cigarettes, transfat and radium jewelry.

With a sufficient quantity of radium and beryllium he could have done some amazing damage.

There is a risk we might end up looking like the guys who brushed their teeth with radium or used a portable x-ray video machine to examine their kids' feet at the shoe store.

This man was standing at his stove, smoking, cooking up a mixture of beryllium, radium, and americium in 96% sulfuric acid.

"I like the ability to know that my prescription medications aren't radium-based elixirs.

I don't enjoy high medical bills, but I like the ability to know that my prescription medications aren't radium-based elixirs.

He's contaminated his cooking area with radium and beryllium.

A legacy curie Ci still used by the EPA is something like about how many decays a chunk of radium gives off in a second or the length of the kings foot or some ridiculous.

He admits to contaminating his stove and the surrounding area with americium, radium, and beryllium.

Radioacitivy in the ore is dilute, but during processing there is a step where you separate the daughter nuclides from thorium decay, mainly radium-228.

Radium definitions


an intensely radioactive metallic element that occurs in minute amounts in uranium ores