Tibia in a sentence as a noun

Where your knee ends up in a full-depth squat depends on the relative lengths of your tibia and ankle.

It's like trying to choose between your tibia and your fibula - without either, you're not going far.

Don't underestimate what a 165 lbs person's tibia can do to a 195 lbs person's head on even thigh.

I recently tore ligaments in my ankle and broke my tibia plus fibula; even my orthopaedic surgeon has PAs helping her maximize efficiency.

If I could have a metal rod extending from the distal end of my tibia through skin, being without a foot would be much less annoying, and my physical abilities would improve significantly.

I mean, if you've been shot in the chest, the ER is going to focus on keeping you from bleeding to death rather than poring through a history to note that you're allergic to ragweed pollen, have slightly elevated blood pressure and fractured your tibia 8 years ago.

Tibia definitions


the inner and thicker of the two bones of the human leg between the knee and ankle

See also: shinbone shin