Fibula in a sentence as a noun

It's like trying to choose between your tibia and your fibula - without either, you're not going far.

I believe shin splints is a form of compartment syndrome in the tough sinewy tissue between the tibia and fibula.

It’s about as painful as you’d imagine it is to wake up after surgery with a half dozen screws through now your two pieces of fibula.

I'd add the fibulae to the list of "female" archaeological artifacts closely studied by, well, archeologists.

I recently tore ligaments in my ankle and broke my tibia plus fibula; even my orthopaedic surgeon has PAs helping her maximize efficiency.

I was criticizing only the safety pin patent, which obviously is superfluous, given the existence of fibulas.

Fibula definitions


the outer and thinner of the two bones of the human leg between the knee and ankle