Thud in a sentence as a noun

It's start -> thud -> thud -> play -> thud -> thud -> restart -> right, back to 2048 then.

What is a tiny country going to do when Uncle Sam's minions land with a thud?

"The iPad also landed with a thud, at least online.

Foo bar baz qux quux corge grault garble trucks warg fred plugh and xyzzy thud clearly i'm not busy

I'd love to see a good showing by any of them, but so far they've all launched with a thud.

They'll probably be a big thud or other loud noise to get my attention.

OK, I guess I'll be the wet blanket that goes thud here, but I really don't see this being very useful.

Thud in a sentence as a verb

Smacks of something a thud headed manager like Michael Scott would do.

HN is a good place to go if you begin to believe that you are truly awesome at coding and know it all. Brings you back to earth with a thud

The last thing we hear, before that final, brutal, resounding thud is the faint line: "It was all a ******* lie.

She didnt warn anyone that she was throwing it back, i just heard a big thud and saw hotsauce everywhere.

"It was a unique time with a lot of the layers of delusion being stripped away with the swipe a leg and a thud on the mat. Sometimes I wish we could turn the clock back, just to watch it all over again.

It's a sentiment that stretches past commendable skepticism, past cynicism, and lands with a flatulent thud right in the soft belly of parody.

I assume that these design features are for safety: if the bus hits a child while starting to move, either backward or forward, the driver will have a lot more time to react to the thud against the bumper before the tires reach the child.

Thud definitions


a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)

See also: thump thumping clump clunk


make a dull sound; "the knocker thudded against the front door"

See also: thump


strike with a dull sound; "Bullets were thudding against the wall"


make a noise typical of an engine lacking lubricants

See also: crump scrunch