Thinker in a sentence as a noun

A drug dealer gives people what they want; a thinker tells them what they should want.

"Slava is a deep thinker, which makes me very excited to take a look at RethinkDB.

I'm a legs-up-on-table type of dreamer and thinker when I work.

He's not a great writer or a deep thinker [2], but that doesn't matter: he is one of us thinking about what it means to be one of us.

In other words, you don't become some kind of a super-fast general-purpose thinker.

No, they [BT] weren't happy with me, but they knew that I am an independent thinker and they didn't try to muzzle me in any way.

Besides being a wonderful writer of pulp fiction, she is a worthless thinker and an absolute unabashed crazy person.

I'm sorry but this vision of a "thinker" who is always imagining the future so he can "out-innovate" his competition is a little ridiculous.

He is the most influential thinker in two completely unrelated fields: linguistics and political activism.

Specifically, he quotes Spinoza in order to point to the previous thinker that rejected the belief that the soul exists separately from the body.

The backlash exists because most of his writings consist of regurgitated ideas plucked from elsewhere that he attempts to pass off as his own as though he's some sort revolutionary thinker in the modern era. Then he sells tickets to his Friedman Forum for $1K a pop to people who aren't read-well enough to realize as much.

Complex numbers used as an algebraic proxy for points in the plane were useful for solving geometry problems that Cartesian analytic geometry couldnt manage.- Many thinkers were trying to extend these ideas to three-dimensional space.

How inspiring it is that Bret Victor diligently designs the presentation of his content: to me this is one of the reasons he's apart from others, where often even a great design thinker simply leaves a talk or slides or an essay to be presented however it will, like a philosopher who sets aside her inquisitive attitude in real life.

Thinker definitions


an important intellectual; "the great minds of the 17th century"

See also: mind


someone who exercises the mind (usually in an effort to reach a decision)