Thimble in a sentence as a noun

With mozilla thimble: 1. click to start new project 2.

The robot drops down a thimble and some thread, then clears the screen and drops you into an instant search for Stanislaws Lem.

Like a thimble with an edge so people with short / no fingernails can open a can of drink and avoid potential injury. I would buy that!

That opening 'Hello' and the spellinz of adenoids and thimble should just make this question an instant reject. Plain and simple.

I know jsFiddle, CodePen, cssdeck and Mozilla thimble. Does anyone know any other site?

A neutron star's mass ratio would be like jamming 50 million elephants into something the size of a thimble. The article you mentioned says almost 15% of large asteroids are a binary system.

Worrying about brain damage from the antidepressant dose of ketamine is a little like worrying about liver damage from a thimble full of beer.

Guess it depends on how advanced technology is how good the thimble solution could be, but it strikes me easier to manipulate a ball, which you could do even when it's in a suit pocket than to do gestures in the air. Some gestures might be doable though.

The only thing accompanying the steak was a pot of mashed potatoes about four times the size of a thimble. After being largely ignored, the waitress at the end of the meal made a ton of excuses while looking at the wall so as to get me to still tip, and zero effort was made to make me feel better about the situation.

It just so happens that the number of molecules in a thimble of water is roughly equal to the number of thimblefulls in the ocean, but it could easily be ten thousand times either way.

Take a thimble of water and pour it into the ocean. Allow sufficient time for it to evenly mix. Now scoop a new thimble of water out of that ocean. Your new thimble will have several molecules from the original thimble of water.

> It will be the equivalent of dangling a steel string the width of a human hair in the deep end of a swimming pool and inserting it into a thimble 1/10 mm wide Can someone clean up this horrible analogy?

>"It will be the equivalent of dangling a steel string the width of a human hair in the deep end of a swimming pool and inserting it into a thimble 1/10 mm wide on the bottom, and then drilling a few meters into the foundations," says Teagle. If this is indeed an accurate analogy than I would be very interested to see it done as a proof of concept!

"It will be the equivalent of dangling a steel string the width of a human hair in the deep end of a swimming pool and inserting it into a thimble 1/10 mm wide on the bottom, and then drilling a few meters into the foundations" Wow, that quote really put it all into perspective for me.

Thimble definitions


as much as a thimble will hold

See also: thimbleful


a small metal cap to protect the finger while sewing; can be used as a small container