Biostatistics in a sentence as a noun

I'm in biostatistics and neuroscience, and for the most part, could evaluate a stats or neuro proposal.

Or, what the heck ever happened to the field of statistics, biostatistics, quality control, etc.?

Doing it along with biostatistics bootcamp on coursera.

When they mentioned the biostatistics group, I thought they might have been making a pass at scientific HPC type applications, but I guess this is more specialized.

Look at biostatistics; there master graduates become data analysts and process data.

I met with Jeff a little while back and was just really enthused by his desire to change the way traditional statistics/biostatistics is viewed and interacted with.

I have experience on the clinical side, taking care of patients, work flows, etc. I have a masters in epidemiology and biostatistics, and am currently involved with clinical trials, some animal translational studies, and large database analysis.

Statistics techniques were important in learning about basic types of molecules in the early 20th century when it wasn't clear that DNA and RNA were the key components of genetic information storage and transmission; the events leading to the development of biostatistics basically paved the way to Watson and Crick's results on the structure of DNA.

Biostatistics definitions


a branch of biology that studies biological phenomena and observations by means of statistical analysis

See also: biometrics biometry