Apex in a sentence as a noun

Aside from that, Quake 3 is considered by many to be the apex of fast-twitch FPS skill games.

Ask a RX8 owner about rotor apex seals sometime.

A small number of actors at the apex make millions in Hollywood, but it's hand-to-mouth for the majority.

However, we ended up deciding not to go that route because of the number of existing users on apex domains.

" Since we haven't quite reached an apex in research in fish oil, the comment is short-sighted and is overstating what we know about fish oil to date.

We made the decision to keep DDoS mitigation enabled for apex domains after seeing GitHub Pages attacked and going down a handful of times in the same week.

If we can move past our fetish for eating apex predators, we can easily solve fish sustainability without the need for regulation.

What I do have a problem with is what the OP described: he doesn't belong at the head of a major organization, nor does he belong at the apex of the free software movement.

Nobody can beat Google at software; Apple hardware + Google software is a wonderful combination, and if the two companies worked together we'd really see the apex of user experience.

My hunch is that, as testing becomes more pervasive, underperforming education systems that begin using the test will shift the apex of the curve to the left, bringing even average students up the curve, but I digress.

It can be a good career choice, usually there is an apex where wages decline or stagnate for a 5-10 years and then they see their effective wage start to rise given that new personnel entering the field opt for other technologies and older peers leave the industry.

Apex definitions


the highest point (of something); "at the peak of the pyramid"

See also: vertex peak acme


the point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun and solar system appear to be moving relative to the fixed stars