Theodicy in a sentence as a noun

I would say Unsong is a lot more theology and theodicy than computer science.

Genius == theodicy because "God is really just us" or something like that.

Then I sure you are also well aware of the counterarguments against this form of theodicy.

But theodicy is a very large field which I cannot adequately summarize in this post, so if you want real answers, just start with that book.

That question is answered by theodicy- the philosophical field of justifying God's dealings with the universe.

> “Disruption is a theodicy of hypercapitalism”It does seem that securing VC funding is the new divine right of kings.

Now, whether or not this constitutes an acceptable theodicy is a different question entirely.

"A second point to bring up... Leibniz's theodicy hasn't really gone over well with anyone, particularly any notable theologians.

But the entire apparatus of moral philosophy imploded in that time, and a theodicy appropriate to the explanation of the Great War has never caught the public mind.

Moloch is also the thematic ***** in my favorite essay on Slate Star Codex, which is kind of a modern theodicy replacing the question of "Why does an omnipotent God allow bad things to happen?

The funnest and funniest sci-fi yarn since Douglas Adams, amidst tantalizing explorations of theodicy and existential absurdicy.

I read a bit of him in college - what he pushed isn't all that special now nor something that stands out as a "holy ****" like predicting the existence of atoms but he had some influence with theodicy and other catholic foundations.

Perhaps most important, it was connected to a predictable economy of salvation—that is, hard work will lead to success, which is a sign of one’s election by God—a notion also containing its own theodicy to explain the misery of those who do not make it in this world.> Bureaucracy, however, breaks apart substance from appearances, action from responsibility, and language from meaning.

Theodicy definitions


the branch of theology that defends God's goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil