Theft in a sentence as a noun

When you take my right to decide who rents my bike, it's theft of services.

And yet somehow I found myself victim of identity theft, and it took 2+ years to clean up, and it's still not over.

She received 6 months in one county for the theft of the card, then another 8 months for using the card in a different county.

Victims of piracy have better lobbyists than the victims of identity theft.

It's entirely possible to be in support of a free and peaceful drug trade, while at the same time being morally against theft.

How much rampant identity theft has to occur before our government admits that it's broken?

Based on other comments, there seems to be no issue of asset "theft".So does the minimalist design copy warrant outrage?

People like this are needed when you have upwards of 50,000 people working in your facility.- a $100,000/year theft problem is worthy of most people's attention.

In fact, it will probably be a convenient excuse for them to absolve themselves of all liability in the case of loss, theft, or misuse.

Gates responded by writing an open letter titled Open Letter to Hobbyists that considered the sharing of software to be theft.

Though now I'm curious to know whether these wage-theft pacts extend beyond SV, perhaps to Austin... Many of the same players have a significant presence here.

He didn't steal your css or images, and though you might feel rough about it, it doesn't make it theft as you are putting it again and again.> Just wait until Svbtle is finished and open to the public.

This eventually led to the creation of Dr. Dobb's Journal edited by Jim Warren that distributed free or very inexpensive software in response to Gates' claims of theft.

There are a lot of really good reasons for going with a single vendor, and remote wipe is a really valuable tool in case of theft, but the downside is ... well, this.- Use some kind of password storage mechanism.

If government agencies were authorized to create a major program to grab stolen data leaving the country, they could drastically reduce todays wholesale theft of American corporate secrets.

That case involved blatant theft of Oracle's software by TomorrowNow, an SAP subsidiary, and was so bad that SAP admitted liability up front such that the only issue to be tried was the amount of the damages suffered by Oracle.

The Eastern-block dissents hated freedom, and damaged the cause of freedom by stealing/leaking Stasi documents?I could certainly agree that the Stasi is much worse than the UK government, so maybe you could draw a line between a certain level of viciousness of the security state, past which document-theft becomes justified.

It indicates that there is some specific "identity" that an individual possesses, and thus implies the individual has a responsibility to protect it from being "stolen".> There was no way to hold them [the copier of his ID card] responsibleWith the term "identity theft", one concludes that his damages come from being the victim of the copier, and that this crime was never solved.

Theft definitions


the act of taking something from someone unlawfully; "the thieving is awful at Kennedy International"

See also: larceny thievery thieving stealing