Thankless in a sentence as an adjective

It's a thankless job. But thank you for doing it.

Open sourcing stuff is hard, mostly thankless work.

Comes now, to search your manhood Through all the thankless years Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom, The judgment of your peers!

Pming is hard, stressful, and often thankless. And I've seen multitudes more good devs than good PM. Finally, I'm not sure pms do get paid more.

Igoe has been on the job for many years now, and, from my remove, that job seems pretty thankless. What needs to happen is for someone else to be floated as a new co-chair for the group.

Management" can be a pretty thankless job under those circumstances.

Reviewing is thankless and hard. Anonymity exists so that we can be critical and not risk career *******.

Really tough and often thankless job. As shown in Rialto everybody wins when the police wear cameras.

Of course, this may not be tempting, because you may be on the kind of team where you just know that, if you volunteer to do some thankless task, you'll be stuck with it forever. And that is an entirely different kind of problem.

It sounds like you're well-marinated in standards bodies, and that's a good thing -- it's tough, often thankless work that someone needs to do. For the rest of us, the language from OP sure sounds like it's saying, "yeah do whatevs with 301, we give up".

Conference organizing is surprisingly thankless. That said, you have to admit that the hot sauce aspect of this story is really funny.

I know a double-digit number of people who turned down six figure jobs to go into public service for a fraction of the money, doing often thankless work. One of my best friends wants to save the environment.

But its just as thankless running a project, only we shoulder way more responsibility and burn way more time doing it. If you want me to look at more of your bug reports, help triage my other pending bugs and pull requests.

Refactoring was thankless unless it was a truly gargantuan change. Working at google was great, but the engineering incentive structure is far from perfect.

All my to-do lists started out as innocuous tools to assist me in my life, but slowly transformed, each and every time, into thankless, soul-draining exercises in reductionism. Sorry to-do lists do work.

Second, and more importantly, I think management is an awful and thankless life choice. Managers don't make anything or really contribute anything tangible to society.

More likely, they're the ones fighting a thankless internal campaign to get permission to release anything and would like something more to show for it than a bunch of predictable snark.

Dan Croak facilitated communication between us and began the thankless job of putting the application in a state that we could deploy and maintain the codebase. I believe this transition was a ton more than just opening a repository on Github.

I got tired of the thankless task of doing other peoples' work, along with the overzealous mods shutting down my questions in the most condescending tone possible. In particular, I recall going so far as to read vendor-specific documentation for someone, and providing example code to parse the binary data in question.

Making radical changes to an incumbent system is difficult and often thankless, even when the new version is, if not objectively better than the previous, very good. Apple encountered this with the transition to OS X. Anyone who remembers the "Classic" environment can attest to how poorly this transition was perceived by many Mac fans.

Taking care of an infant is tiring, stressful, boring, and thankless--and no matter how enlightened the husband is and how willing he is to help out, because of the baby's hard-wired inclinations the buck will always stop with the wife. Finally, if the woman is educated and has a career, that career will be permanently compromised by virtue of getting married and having kids.

On the one hand you have a police officer tasked with the hard and often thankless job of enforcing the law, investigating unsolved crimes, meticulously sorting through evidence, walking a beat, etc, etc. On the other hand you have a police officer tasked with the comparatively simple jobs of, say, pulling over "suspicious" looking drivers on the highway and looking for pot in their car, or executing exciting no-knock raids on, in the average case, un-armed drug dealer's houses.

Thankless definitions


not feeling or showing gratitude; "ungrateful heirs"; "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is / To have a thankless child!"- Shakespeare

See also: ungrateful unthankful


not likely to be rewarded; "grading papers is a thankless task"

See also: unappreciated ungratifying