Textile in a sentence as a noun

Always fun to read about how someone rolled their own, but as nerds we have to poke right?Why write a textile parser in Go?

I'll bet you the US' textile manufacturing revenues graph looks substantially more favorable than that.

"Pick an industry you might think the US has largely abandoned to cheap foreign competition, like say textile manufacturing.

[2] See: the near-annihilation of Africa's textile industry due to donations of second-hand clothing.

Textile in a sentence as an adjective

"In the 19th century, the maturation and standardization of weaving technology finally brought long-overdue raises to textile workers."Wow.

User authentication, an admin section, a basic CMS, sitemaps, lorem ipsum, textile, markdown, restructured text, a list of US states, a comments framework, etc. all have made their way into Django.

But I strongly suspect that if you went out and, say, studied all the textile manufacturers with 200-1000 employees, in NC, VA, GA and SC, you'd find a LOT of CEOs, VPs, managers, etc., that did not work for McKinsey, did not go to Harvard, and generally don't fit this picture that is being painted.

My install understands these:Input formats: native, json, markdown, markdown+lhs, rst, rst+lhs, textile, html, latex, latex+lhsOutput formats: native, json, html, html5, html+lhs, html5+lhs, s5, slidy, dzslides, docbook, opendocument, latex, latex+lhs, beamer, beamer+lhs, context, texinfo, man, markdown, markdown+lhs, plain, rst, rst+lhs, mediawiki, textile, rtf, org, asciidoc, odt, docx, epub

Textile definitions


artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers; "the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent"; "woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC"; "she measured off enough material for a dress"

See also: fabric cloth material


of or relating to fabrics or fabric making; "textile research"