Fabric in a sentence as a noun

Use fabric and a fabfile to do deploys.

In real life, before the flame gets to the foam, it has to ignite the fabric.

There's no way I can escape the fact that the fabrics I wear do not feel as nice as the fabrics they wear.

"Yep, it's tearing the fabric of society apart alright.

A simple $25 part gets you quite a bit of fabric and some $90 eval hardware will give you a sweet little platform.

Once the fabric catches fire, it becomes a sheet of flame that can easily overwhelm the fire-suppression properties of treated foam.

You can also strike a balance, and it just becomes a thing you do sometimes, it's not going to **** you, it's not going to actually change the fabric of society.

The technology actually changes the social fabric of how people communicate and coordinate.

There may be something to live for that I don't know about -- some overarching infallible truth embedded in the fabric of the universe that gives life meaning.

How green is it to cut costs everywhere to result in a nasty piece of urban fabric which is subsequently destroyed, to be replace, even if it's covered in eco tech?

You can't measure individual productivity well within large organizations, and even if you could, it would strain the fabric of the organization to reward people that way.

Frew, who apprenticed with a Savile Row tailor, can all by himself, and almost all by hand create a pattern, cut fabric and expertly construct a suit that, for about $4,000, perfectly molds to its owners body.

Fabric definitions


artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers; "the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent"; "woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC"; "she measured off enough material for a dress"

See also: cloth material textile


the underlying structure; "providing a factual framework for future research"; "it is part of the fabric of society"

See also: framework