Testicle in a sentence as a noun

I entered "lump on testicle".I was surprised at the results.

Lance Armstrong's testicle was undoubtedly spinning in its grave.

You think testicle removal is a "similar treatment"?

I would bet my left testicle that the probability with tor is higher than average ISP.

Push the vas deferens back into the scrotum, repeat on the other testicle, and cover the wound.

So do the new machines also use testicle-nuking backscatter x-rays?

!His assertion is that it's not sexist if his projects are called "testicle" or "foreplay", since those words aren't intrinsically sexist.

But I would give my right testicle if static typing advocates would stop encouraging the criticism that this is all academic nonsense.

The information about the disease came in pieces: first all I knew was that there was a lump; then came the ultrasound, the CT scan, then biopsy of the testicle, then a second surgery to sample lymph nodes to which the cancer might have spread.

Testicle definitions


one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens; "she kicked him in the balls and got away"

See also: testis orchis ball ballock bollock