Ransack in a sentence as a verb

They either flood you with love, or ransack your house and ruin your life.

The first ransack-gate led to all sorts of calls for AirBnB to compensate the victim [1].

He did ransack the company for a $100 million "bonus", but he retired last year.

I plan to ransack the local library system for more of his writings at some point.

I wont get this heavy a punishment if i go ransack a music store and steal all the copies..

I can envison people taking advantage of this, Have your buddy ransack your house and steal all your stuff, then split the gain of having it all replaced.

The precautions taken against thieves who open trunks, search bags, or ransack tills, consist in securing with cords and fastening with bolts and locks.

No non-profit, no matter how regulated by the ATF, can break down doors in the night, shoot your dog, flash-bang your infant, and ransack your house....right?...I guess I don't know.

Yes, the problem i have with the built-in windows search is that I never really know what it's searching and therefore i don't know how exhaustive its results are. Agent ransack has a very precise ui, you know exactly what you're searching for and which folders you're searching in.

This might have been more fun but there exists the possibility that someone might ransack the laptop for components, and I actually like the idea that they might be successful.

If I have to choose between being spied on passively, or having armed thugs with guns come in, ransack my house, and steal my equipment with the hosting provider's blessing.. well, you can see where I'm going with this.

A small group of criminals could literally ransack an entire city by using an automobile to drive from one heist to the next, keeping ahead of the police by virtue of their machine's great speed, and finally fleeing the local jurisdiction altogether to someplace safe.

Ransack definitions


steal goods; take as spoils; "During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners"

See also: plunder despoil loot reave strip rifle pillage foray


search thoroughly; "They combed the area for the missing child"

See also: comb