Telling in a sentence as a noun

You try telling a 6 year old that her daddy has cancer and will be dead before she turns 8.

They seem to put a lot of effort into telling you things other than "what is this thing?

After telling us there's no chance they'd recover our stolen stuff, they took off.

More than that, it's telling that the company threw him under the bus when it happened.

They don't see the actual spying as the cause of all the backlash - it's all Snowden's fault for telling the world.

Are you telling me you really genuinely explored the theme of revenge in Hamlet?

> What the **** does this even mean?It means that if telling the truth is illegal, they should have the courage to break the law.

Hey, other comments are going to give you a few lines telling you to not quit, that you should hang in there, and that it'll be alright.

Are you telling me high school history and civics left you with the propensity to be a more informed voter?

Remove a long-existing feature without telling anyone, hidden in a minor update2.

Telling in a sentence as an adjective

Facebook are exploiting your browser history, without telling you.

Set up an autoresponder politely telling folks that you're a single person and the spike in requests is a bit overwhelming.

* After telling that coworker that he is considering telling HR about racism in his group, "Steve" takes him aside for a 1-1 meeting.

It's that when you used to give out free sodas and coffee, and then you stop, you're telling everyone in the company that business isn't as good as it used to be.

Add to that the external pressure of peers who make it big, do "great things", and the river of marketing telling you that you need fancier watches, shinier cars, the newest iPhone.

You're telling me Apple is unresponsive to support requests from their developer ecosystem?

The most important paragraph if you're not interested in reading the whole thing:Is there an intelligent alternative to lying or telling the truth that we have not yet examined?

There was lots of existing documentation and lore about SOAs, but at Amazon's vast scale it was about as useful as telling Indiana Jones to look both ways before crossing the street.

Unless you've made a lot of money and you've been on the cover of Forbes, or you put an autonomous vehicle on Mars while wearing a Mohawk, telling people you're a programmer/mathematician/scientist is more likely to get them to presumptuously assume you're some mechanistic robot than for them to say "wow, interesting stuff".

You'll call me a cock, and then I'll rip you in half verbally, and then you'll forget that you called me a cock and go off telling everyone I'm such a big bad bullying meanie for all the horrible awful things I said to you, and then I'll be crushed by the general opinion all you highly influential meaningful people have about me that I'll...Wait, actually I don't give a **** what you think.

Telling definitions


an act of narration; "he was the hero according to his own relation"; "his endless recounting of the incident eventually became unbearable"

See also: relation recounting


informing by words

See also: apprisal notification


disclosing information or giving evidence about another

See also: tattle singing


disclosing unintentionally; "a telling smile"; "a telltale panel of lights"; "a telltale patch of oil on the water marked where the boat went down"

See also: revealing


powerfully persuasive; "a cogent argument"; "a telling presentation"; "a weighty argument"

See also: cogent weighty


producing a strong effect; "gave an impressive performance as Othello"; "a telling gesture"

See also: impressive