Tannin in a sentence as a noun

According to fmltea[1] the caffeine will all be drawn out in the 1st 2mins and the tannin in 5mins.

Also, there are some varieties of acorns that have very low tannin, to the point that you don't even have to rinse them I believe.

Tea contains tannin as well as caffeine, the tannin is a relaxant the caffeine a stimulant, the caffeine comes out first.

[0] Higher temperatures will extract too much tannin at the expense of aromatics.

After about three minutes of steeping the tannin, which neutralizes the effect of caffeine, gets into the liquid.

This is standard practice in wine making:Oak is used in winemaking to vary the color, flavor, tannin profile and texture of wine.

> it tastes very tannic and astringent compared to regular teaWhich I find hilarious, since regular tea has tannin in it and rooibos doesn't.

V. Aestivalis is a species of grape that has lower acids, higher tannins, higher disease resistance, and more neutral flavour than most of the wild grapes -- but it's also a pain to work with because it does not propagate from dormant hardwood easily, so it's been neglected in breeding.

If I'm at the store and I see a Haut-Mdoc, I have some high probability of liking it more compared to a Mdoc, because I like tannic wines, and Haut-Mdoc show more of a bias towards tannin.

I am trying to cross it with other, more cold hardy, hybrids to produce something with the lower acids, higher tannin, and more neutral flavour that bicolor has but with higher sugars and more cold hardiness.

>> You can't, for example, run a tannery in your apartment > Why not?Because tanning hides requires strong acid and a bunch of other chemicals and it will stink up the building and probably break some kind of regulation for residential spaces.

Tannin definitions


any of various complex phenolic substances of plant origin; used in tanning and in medicine