Synovia in a sentence as a noun

The article said:> “Every joint in our body has synovial fluid in it. This is the oil in our body that provides nutrition to the cartilage,” Jam says.

The vast majority of joints in the body are synovial: two bones surrounded by a leathery capsule filled with fluid.

So if a joint doesn’t go through its full range—if the hips and knees never go past 90 degrees—the body says ‘I’m not being used’ and starts to degenerate and stops the production of synovial fluid.”

The claimed benefit of glucosamine is not anti-inflammation, but providing the building blocks for cartilage repair as synovial fluid is circulated in the joint.

Unlike most tissues in the body, articular cartilage does not receive oxygen and nutrients from blood vessels, but rather directly from the oil-like synovial fluid that helps lubricate the joint surfaces.

Synovia definitions


viscid lubricating fluid secreted by the membrane lining joints and tendon sheaths etc.