Articular in a sentence as an adjective

"But "Tail wags the dog" -- why the articular/anarthrous difference?

Now you're only left with Ad hominem in-articulare?The actual point was made in the original post.

In articular an isometric view world exploration is what holds my interest.

This is where the surgeon takes a plug of undamaged articular cartilage from a low load bearing region of the knee and swaps it with the damaged cartilage.

As a non medical professional, I can't even imagine the difficulty in trying to diagnose a severely sick child that is too young to speak or articular symptoms/where it hurts... Scary.

Unlike most tissues in the body, articular cartilage does not receive oxygen and nutrients from blood vessels, but rather directly from the oil-like synovial fluid that helps lubricate the joint surfaces.

Here's a quote from [6] on the cited page:>"The competent guide dog can recognize dangerous situations and, even when commanded to engage in a articular action, can decide to disobdy in order to protect the owner's welfare.. All of the interviewees spoke of their dogs as regularly involved in behaviors that were not understandable if one were only to see dogs merely as automatons responding to instinct or behavioral conditioning.

Articular definitions


relating to or affecting the joints of the body; "the articular surfaces of bones"; "articular disease"

See also: articulary