Symbolise in a sentence as a verb

It looks like a V with bullhorns to me, which is weird -- what does the V symbolise in this project?

Perhaps if you were building a web version of your CV you might want to use icons to symbolise knowledge.

Soros is the largest single donor on the left and so tends to symbolise such donors to his right wing opponents.

What I meant - with tongue firmly in cheek - was that the symbols P, asterisk, S, S symbolise the word '****' as surely as the word '****'.

From WP:Against the blue sky of the Western world, the stars symbolise the peoples of Europe in a form of a circle, a sign of union.

At the heart of the problem is a simple paradox... that a line can somehow symbolise light, texture and even colour.

The relationship between brown and red in this painting may therefore symbolise man's intimacy with the earth.

Most of what was worth saying has been said already, so I'll just add a simple stone to the growing pile of rocks/comments that symbolise the fact that we care and want you to get better.

I am afraid they are wrong about the BMW logo, the colours are actually the Bavarian colours and not to symbolise a propeller cutting through a blue sky. Although, their shapes might be picked because of a propeller, but their colours are not chosen for that reason.

They’re using the flag of The Republic of Liberia to symbolise English, which seems like an interesting choice as I don’t normally associate the two.

The Apple icon allows me to guess what the icon might symbolise, but I'm constantly guessing wrong and skip that icon, and it's completely unrememberable, to me at least.

Using '1' to symbolise the washington monument would be reasonable, if the washington monument was something people very commonly referred to.

Do they symbolise anything to us or are they just a thing we're putting on houses of worship out of habit?The Madonna is an important religious symbol, but not the main character or god of the religion.

That would symbolise everything the independence movement asserts about the arrogance of Westminster politicians and their alleged couldn't-give-a-damn attitude towards the Scots.

How does a level designer or the guy who sketches out the concept art for that great end of level boss that comes to symbolise the entire game?The creative industries are vast machines today, and someone has to pay all these people during the creation/production stage of a work if that work is going to benefit from their skills and expertise.

Symbolise definitions


represent or identify by using a symbol; use symbols; "The poet symbolizes love in this poem"; "These painters believed that artists should symbolize"

See also: symbolize


express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbol; "What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?"

See also: typify symbolize represent