Syllabus in a sentence as a noun

I would take the syllabus, and check off everything that had to be done as I completed it.

You can get the syllabus and curriculum for classses that are taught in places like Stanford or MIT or UC Berkeley.

Your post needs to be, not only upvoted, but also put on the syllabus of every data structures class.

Maybe your security chops are great, but your syllabus says something radically different about your teaching skills.

Notably absent from this guy's syllabus is anything concerning ethics, morality, values, or right and wrong.

Some courses required watching videos of recorded lectures and external material, as part of the syllabus.

Computing does, but it has proved the less popular option and died out in the majority of schools - partly due to an uninspiring syllabus and lack of teachers.

It took me a minute to realize why this page, ostensibly a syllabus page for a university course, is relevant to a general tech audience.

From the syllabus and the assignment description: "Students may not work together on graded assignment unless the instructor gives express permission.

I've always found a good way to pick text books and other reading material for a specific course is to find the university with the leading department for that subject, then find the syllabus for a class in that course taught there.

Syllabus definitions


an integrated course of academic studies; "he was admitted to a new program at the university"

See also: program programme curriculum