Curriculum in a sentence as a noun

There's no curriculum at all, kids drive their own learning.

"This statement should be included in every CS curriculum.

If you can't do well when someone gives you a curriculum and is helping you, you don't stand a chance keeping yourself motivated enough to start a company.

My university's CS curriculum didn't teach us to use any technologies at all, besides extremely basic Unix and C++. If you wanted to build anything outside of GCC then it was up to you.

This article finally revealed to me the mathematical structure of curriculum optimization.

Children who are overprotected in school from learning challenges outside the standard curriculum often get scared and shut down when tested, even when tested on the curriculum content they have studied over and over.

But how else is someone with nontechnical parents supposed to get started?It's sooo much different when it's something you choose to do with your free time, rather than something half-assedly forced on you by parents or school curriculum.

College isn't taught this way. Colleges realize that even young adults can't handle 40 hours a week of continual instruction, why do we do this kids can?I think the reason, is that we're always behind other countries trying to "catch up"--50 years ago it was the Soviets, 20 years ago the Japanese, now it's the "global workforce".In our frantic rush to compete with everyone else we end up forcing an overambitious curriculum on kids.

Curriculum definitions


an integrated course of academic studies; "he was admitted to a new program at the university"

See also: program programme syllabus